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Merilea V. Murphy

Merilea V. Murphy

Apr 21, 2009

Oxford, Idaho - - - - Marilea MurphyOxford - Marilea V. Murphy, 35, passed away April 21, 2009 at her home in Oxford, Idaho from natural causes. She was born November 22, 1973, in Couer d'Alene, Idaho to Felix J. and Phyllis Mary Heffernan Murphy. She loved making jewelry and was very talented in designing and producing jewelry. She enjoyed...

Carl Henry Anderson

Carl Henry Anderson

Apr 16, 2009

PRESTON, IDAHO CARL H. ANDERSON PRESTON- Carl Henry Anderson, 87, passed away Thursday, April 16, 2009, at the Heritage Home in Preston surrounded by his family. He was born February 27, 1922, in Clarkston, Utah, the son of Carl Joseph and Mildred Henry Anderson. He served his country in the Army during World War II. He married Phyllis Booker on...

June Gamble Nielsen

June Gamble Nielsen

Apr 13, 2009

PRESTON, IDAHO - - JUNE G. NIELSENPRESTON- June Gamble Nielsen, 87, passed away Monday, April 13, 2009, at the Franklin County Medical Center in Preston. She was born June 17, 1921, in Preston, Idaho, the daughter of John William and Mary Wells Gamble. She married O.H. "Dick" Nielsen on Nov. 8, 1940, in the Logan Temple.He enjoyed crocheting, sewing, quilting,...

Eliot Wray Smith

Eliot Wray Smith

Apr 11, 2009

Riverdale, Idaho - - - - Eliot W. SmithRiverdale - Eliot Wray Smith, 94, passed away April 11, 2009 at his daughter's home in Preston surrounded by loving family. He was born June 10, 1914 to Hyrum Wray and Christine Larsen Smith at the family home in Riverdale just north of Preston. He was the third of six children.Eliot attended...

Geneva B. Larsen

Geneva B. Larsen

Apr 11, 2009

FAIRVIEW, IDAHO - - GENEVA LARSENFAIRVIEW- Geneva Buehler Larsen, 92, passed away from this life on Saturday, April 11, 2009, at the Franklin County Medical Center in Preston, Idaho, surrounded by her family. She was born in a log cabin in Daniels, Idaho, on March 14, 1917. She was welcomed by her parents, Henry L. and Mary Ann Maughan Buehler...

Cathie Lorrigan Marshall

Cathie Lorrigan Marshall

Apr 6, 2009

PRESTON, IDAHO - - Cathie MarshallPRESTON- Catherine Elizabeth Lorrigan Marshall, 46, passed away Monday, April 6, 2009, at the Franklin County Medical Center in Preston, Idaho from natural causes. She was born June 26, 1962, in Wiesbaden, West Germany, the daughter of Monte Tom and Alice Elizabeth Ijams Lorrigan.She enjoyed shooting, hunting, and camping. She loved all her friends with...

Corey Dale Wright

Corey Dale Wright

Mar 31, 2009

PRESTON, IDAHO - - COREY WRIGHTPRESTON- Corey Dale Wright, 33, passed away Tuesday, March 31, 2009, at the Franklin County Medical Center from natural causes. He was born June 22, 1975, in Burley, Idaho, the son of Delbert Dale and Elizabeth Jewell Smith Wright. He graduated from Preston High School. He enjoyed computers and music and liked to play all...

Corey D. Wright

Corey D. Wright

Mar 31, 2009

PRESTON, IDAHO - - COREY WRIGHTPRESTON- Corey Dale Wright, 33, passed away Tuesday, March 31, 2009, at the Franklin County Medical Center from natural causes. He was born June 22, 1975, in Burley, Idaho, the son of Delbert Dale and Elizabeth Jewell Smith Wright. He graduated from Preston High School. He enjoyed computers and music and liked to play all...

Mondell Franklin Nash

Mondell Franklin Nash

Mar 27, 2009

FRANKLIN, IDAHO - - MONDELL NASHFRANKLIN- Mondell Franklin Nash, 76, passed away on Friday, March 27, 2009, at the Logan Regional Hospital in Logan, Utah. He was born March 13, 1933, in Franklin, Idaho, the son of Victor Paul and Wanda Bingham Nash. He married Marilyn Joan Follett on May 28, 1951, in Preston, Idaho. They enjoyed 58 years of...

Jon Wesley Hyde

Jon Wesley Hyde

Mar 25, 2009

PRESTON, IDAHO - - JON W. HYDEPRESTON - Jon Wesley Hyde, 72, passed away on Wednesday, March 24, 2009, at the Franklin County Medical Center in Preston of complications from cancer. He was born Jan. 26, 1937, in Logan, Utah, to Wesley H. and Oneta Hall Hyde. He married Linda Simmonds on Aug. 15, 1958, in the Idaho Falls Temple.His...

Joan Garrett Johnson

Joan Garrett Johnson

Mar 23, 2009

PRESTON, IDAHO - - JOAN JOHNSONPRESTON- Joan Hugie Garrett Johnson, 76, passed away on Monday, March 23, 2009, at the Franklin County Medical Center in Preston, Idaho. She was born April 18, 1932, in Preston, Idaho, the daughter of William B. and Leona Hugie Garrett. She married Mark W Johnson on Feb. 9, 1951, in Preston, Idaho. Their marriage was...

Shayson James Belew

Shayson James Belew

Mar 16, 2009

PRESTON, IDAHO - - SHAYSON BELEWPRESTON- Shayson James Belew, 3 month old son of Tonya Lee Belew and Tyler Baker, returned to his Heavenly Father on March 16, 2008, from natural causes. He was born December 10, 2008, in Preston, Idaho. He was always happy and always smiling.He is survived by his mother, Tonya Belew of Preston; his father, Tyler...

Loene B. Robinson

Loene B. Robinson

Mar 11, 2009

View/Sign Guest Book -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loene B. Robinson 1929 - 2009 RICHMOND, Utah - Loene B. Robinson, our beloved daughter, sister, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother passed away on March 11, 2009, to join her eternal companion, Louis Robinson. She was born June 21, 1929 in Richmond, Utah to Grant and Nellie Bagley. She lived in Richmond all of her life. Loene...

Loene B. Robinson

Loene B. Robinson

Mar 11, 2009

RICHMOND, Utah - Loene B. Robinson, our beloved daughter, sister, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother passed away on March 11, 2009, to join her eternal companion, Louis Robinson. She was born June 21, 1929 in Richmond, Utah to Grant and Nellie Bagley. She lived in Richmond all of her life. Loene married Louis on Sept. 2, 1947, in the Logan LDS...

D. Gordon Godfrey

D. Gordon Godfrey

Mar 4, 2009

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - - D. Gordon GodfreyD. Gordon Godfrey, 58, of Las Vegas, Nevada, former Weston, Idaho resident, passed away March 4, 2009 peacefully while he slept at his home with family. He was born Sept. 18, 1950, in Preston, Idaho. He was a man that devoted his life to his children, family, friends, and work. He was always...

Llewellyn F. Kuester

Llewellyn F. Kuester

Feb 24, 2009

FRANKLIN, IDAHO LLEWELLYN KUESTER FRANKLIN - Llewellyn Fredrick Kuester, 94, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2009, at the Franklin County Transitional Care Center in Preston, Idaho. He was born Feb. 19, 1915, in Clintonville, Wisconsin, the son of Fred and Beatrice Maynard Kuester. He served in the Navy during World War II and retired from the military after 36 years...

Randy R. Smith

Randy R. Smith

Feb 23, 2009

PRESTON, IDAHO - - RANDY SMITHPRESTON- Randell (Randy) Rulon Smith, 65, passed away peacefully in his sleep on Monday, Feb. 23, 2009, at his home in Preston. He was born August 18, 1943, in Hyde Park, Utah, the son of Rulon and Rhelda Perkes Smith. He married Janice Young on March 27, 1970, in Logan, Utah. They had three children:...

Don Nelson Lowe

Don Nelson Lowe

Feb 22, 2009

Meridian, Idaho - - - - Don N. LoweDon Nelson Lowe, 68, of Meridian, ID died Saturday, February 22, 2009 at home, surrounded by family after a long battle with cancer. Don was born January 4, 1941 in Pocatello, ID to Glen and Helen Lowe. He was reared and educated in Idaho and Utah. He graduated from Highland High School...

Ramiro Patino

Ramiro Patino

Feb 20, 2009

HYDE PARK, UTAH - - RAMIRO PATINOHYDE PARK- Ramiro Patino Perez, 25, passed away Friday, Feb. 20, 2009, in Hyrum, Utah. He was born July 17, 1983, in Guanajato, Mexico, the son of Ramiro Patino and Raquel Perez. He is survived by a son, Dylan Patino of St. George, Utah; his parents of Hyde Park, Utah; four sisters, Veronica (Lucio)...

Ruth Bybee Christensen

Ruth Bybee Christensen

Feb 17, 2009

FAIRVIEW, IDAHO - - RUTH CHRISTENSENMary Ruth Bybee Christensen, 78, died February 17, 2009 at McKay Dee Hospital, Ogden, Utah of complications from a heart attack. Ruth was born September 1, 1930 at Uintah, Utah. She was the youngest of ten children born to Joseph Orin Bybee and May Lawson Grix. She married Leonard Junior Christensen on October 13, 1948...

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